Networking, it's a SuperPower - Hosted by St. Louis ATD Chapter

  • 11 Jun 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Virtual
  • 66


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Networking, it's a SuperPower 

Hosted by St. Louis ATD Chapter


Today, informal teams are formed every minute. By striving for “team building” rather than networking, you can form more solid, mutually rewarding relationships. You will learn how to take others more seriously, listen more carefully, make clearer requests of others, respond more decisively and successfully to the requests, and, most importantly, develop a group of people you can count on in the future. Join Kesha as she delves into practical, real life tools that tap into your natural superpowers. Bring your capes: networking is a SUPERPOWER!

Key Takeaways

Attendees will walk away knowing:

1. Explore real-life ways to connect with teams, organizations and clients 
2. Learn to see your relationships, each and every one, as gifts
3.Establish clear, realistic, and measurable ways to connect on any level, with anyone


Kesha Kent, BA, MAOL

Speaker, National Diversity & Inclusion, Community Engagement Talent Specialist

Kesha Kent is a wife, mother, a High Energy Speaker, Diversity & Inclusion, Community Engagement, Talent Specialist with Ascension.

She has over 17 years of Human Resources, Staffing, Training and Development experience in healthcare, IT, and sales industry! She is known as an energetic, passionate influencer with an innate ability to grow individuals to their highest potential! Kesha draws individuals in and allows them to grow, develop and build lasting relationships

Mrs. Kent holds a Bachelor’s degree in Management and Leadership and a Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership both from Judson

University, in Elgin Illinois.


Association for Talent Development, Saint Louis Chapter, 331 North New Ballas Rd. Suite 410945 St. Louis, MO. 63141
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