Rapid E-Learning Workshop – Building Engaging and Interactive E-Learning!

  • 22 Feb 2012
  • 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • St. Clare Center, 1015 Bowles Ave., Fenton MO


Registered attendees may cancel (refund policy applies) or transfer their registration. Notification of cancellation or transfer must be provided to ASTD St. Louis in writing. If a member or guest RSVPs and indicates that s/he will pay at the door, then does not attend the meeting, that member or guest will be billed for the cost of the event.


Rapid E-Learning Workshop: Building Engaging and Interactive E-Learning!

Today’s tools are making it easier than ever to build e-learning courses because they don’t require any programming. This presents many opportunities, but the reality is that there are also many challenges. On top of that, many e-learning developers work with limited budgets and resources.

Is it possible to build good courses with these constraints? Join Tom Kuhlmann as he shares some practical tips on getting the most out of the resources you have to build engaging and interactive e-learning courses.

You’ll learn to:

  • Design good courses with the resources at hand
  • Match the look and feel of the course to your content
  • Apply rapid instructional design models to quickly build effective and interactive e-learning

This workshop is designed for those new to e-learning, those wishing to enhance their e-learning design methodology, and those who have inquiring minds about e-learning techniques!

Laptop use: Power connections will be provided, however, a laptop is not required to participate in the Rapid e-learning workshop.


Workshop hours: 6 hours, plus 1 hour lunch

Meals and beverages are provided


Registration & Breakfast      8:00am -  9:00am

Workshop                           9:00am - 12:00pm

Lunch                                12:00pm -  1:00pm

Workshop                            1:00pm -  4:00pm 


About Tom Kuhlmann:

Tom Kuhlmann is VP, Community for Articulate, where he manages the Articulate user community. He also writes the Rapid E-Learning Blog which is published weekly to over 80,000 readers. Tom has almost twenty years of experience in the training industry where he's developed and managed e-learning courses for both large and small organizations. Tom is passionate about learning technology and his core focus is on helping people succeed and grow. He is known throughout the industry for his practical, no-nonsense approaches to e-learning. He's also a frequent speaker at ASTD and e-learning industry events. He has a Master's in Education Technology from Pepperdine.

St. Clare Center directions.pdf

Free Articulate Jam Session

Also make plans to join Tom the very next day, February 23rd, in a free 2-hour Articulate Jam Session following his "PowerPoint Doesn't Have to be Boring" presentation.  This free, informal Articulate Jam session is your time to ask questions, get feedback, and meet other Articulate users in the area.

The chapter may take photographs or videos during this event and post them on the chapter website or elsewhere. By attending, I agree that ASTD St. Louis may use my name and image and/or comments made at this event in all forms and media for education, promotion, and any other lawful purposes.


Association for Talent Development, Saint Louis Chapter, 331 North New Ballas Rd. Suite 410945 St. Louis, MO. 63141
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